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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Street Food - Egg Puffs

This is one of the billion street food items you'll find here. Egg puffs are made with a waffle like iron with the same kind of batter. After cooking them come out looking like a giant slice of packing bubble wrap, which you can pull apart as you eat them.

They're hollow, crispy on the outside and a bit gooey in the inside. There's no sugar or anything added to them. The taste is homey and simple. Like that of eating fresh baked bread from a bakery.

Most places put them into paper bags with holes cut out of them so that they don't get all soggy on you.

You'll see vendors all over the place slotted into nook and crannies throughout Hong Kong. Many offer different flavours, but I suggest trying the original first and see how that hits you.

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