Kaiyodo's Revoltech action figure line is way cool. Though not to scale, it's for those who want that quick hit of nostalgia with great articulation for recreating memorable poses.
If you're ever in Hong Kong and want to find collectible toys, hit up Wan Chai. Imagine a whole street of small shops selling everything you would toss your wallets at. Since I was looking for some older things I had a hard time finding what I was after. Lucky for me, I took a trip to Macau and from the same toy shop I picked up some old Star Wars figures there he was!

Though tempted to get the Transformers ones that were there (Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream),

I went for my long love for giant robots from the 70s; I'm so happy they show them on right after school on Global when I was kid. Oh man, they even had one of the Getter robots.
If they had all of them they would be on my shelf as well.
I'm also looking for Grendizer.
I need to find out if they ever made the Macross Cyclone, that would be very bad for my wallet.

Back of box showing some cool ass poses you can do.

Other side of box.

Side of box.

I've been looking for this for a long, long time. Long because I'm a cheap ass. Picked this puppy up on a trip to Macau. I'll upload photos from there later. Now I need to find the closed faced version.